Friday, November 6, 2009

Amlash Sculpture

Amlash Art

A rhyton in zebu form before 8 BC from northern Iran.

I asked my husband about this shape because it seemed so familiar. Guess what? He repaired a somewhat similar piece at home so it was around the house for awhile. I asked him what he remembered about that statue.

His reply: "It wasn't this piece that I repaired, but one very similar to it. It belonged to a Mrs. Echivera, the wife of the Mexican (?) ambassador, who got my name from a friend who had me repair a pot. I remember going to the Embassy to pick it up, and all the broken pieces were in a paper bag...! I do recall that the fragments of the body showed 'throwing marks'. I later returned the figure intact, and was invited to stay for lunch, alone with the Ambassador and his wife."

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